Ojojoj.... Överfullt?! Haha, så går det när Natta ska hälla upp mjölk, nästa gång häller jag!;)
https://cdn3.cdnme.se/cdn/8-2/650521/images/2012/pic_194803677.jpg" class="image">
https://cdn3.cdnme.se/cdn/8-2/650521/images/2012/pic_194803719.jpg" class="image">
cool story bro, changed my life
kom hem för nån timme sen åt god mat, tog en dusch och nu sitter jag och kollar lite på datorn och äter lite popcorn! ska fixa till mig lite sen dra ner till Natta för att kolla på gladiatorerna med henne och Andreas. Sen ska vi utforska vad kalmar har att erbjuda en lördags kväll!
ha en bra lördag! :*
who gives a fuck?
bakfylla är så fantastiskt för då kan man sova bort hela dagen utan att känna sig dålig för att man inte har gjort något på dagen!
sitter just nu hemma hos natta och väntar på att hon ska fäga klart andreas hår, sen ska jag dra hem och käka och duscha! och ikväl blir det "festligheter" utan alkohol! hehe...
ha de bra, så hörs vi senare!:)
en stört vacker bild från i sommras!
if idiots could fly, this place would be an airport
går det annat än att älska detta underbara vår väder?
gick upp vid 7 i morse, tog en dusch och åt frulle, amanda hämtade mig runt halv 9, och då drog vi in till stan och köpte en kaffe, satte oss i solen och njöt tills skolan började. Slutade vid 12, då blev det lunch med tova. Nu ligger jag på soffan och väntar på att klockan ska bli 3, för då ska jag möta upp amanda inne i stan.
livet leker
don't hate me, hate my swag
cause honey I want cola but you're cola light
You lying fucking whore
I dont want you anymore
I dont need your fucking lies thats for shure
Mark my words
I dont want you anymore
I dont need your fucking lies thats for shure
Mark my words
No matter if you cry
I dont care if you would die
so go fuck yourself you bitch cause you're the glitch
I dont care if you would die
so go fuck yourself you bitch cause you're the glitch
But it hurts to sing this song
and in my heart I know I'm doing wrong
Can you let go baby please stay away
everything that you said it you just fucked up my head
You made me crawl and bleed over something I dont need
and in my heart I know I'm doing wrong
Can you let go baby please stay away
everything that you said it you just fucked up my head
You made me crawl and bleed over something I dont need
SO GREETINGS antichrist
you made yourself my kryptonite
If I would like some cola you'll be cola light
Your doing is not right
you're not even worth the fight
cause honey I want cola but you're cola light
It was writting on a paper what I once felt you see
can you tear that shit and burn it up for me
I hope you find your sorrow and brake down as I did
I hope you never fall in love so god forbidd
you made yourself my kryptonite
If I would like some cola you'll be cola light
Your doing is not right
you're not even worth the fight
cause honey I want cola but you're cola light
It was writting on a paper what I once felt you see
can you tear that shit and burn it up for me
I hope you find your sorrow and brake down as I did
I hope you never fall in love so god forbidd
I made this song for you but nothings true
I'm missing you But that I think you knew
Ok I made this song but its for me
self therapy self therapy
Ok I made this song but its for me
self therapy self therapy
Can you let go baby please stay away
everything that you said it you just fucked up my head
You made me crawl and bleed over something I dont need
SO GREETINGS antichrist
you made yourself my kryptonite
If I would like some cola you'll be cola light
Your doing is not right
you're not even worth the fight
cause honey I want cola but you're cola light
Can you let go baby please stay away
everything that you said it you just fucked up my head
You made me crawl and bleed over something I dont need
SO GREETINGS antichrist
you made yourself my kryptonite
If I would like some cola you'll be cola light
Your doing is not right
you're not even worth the fight
cause honey I want cola but you're cola light
everything that you said it you just fucked up my head
You made me crawl and bleed over something I dont need
SO GREETINGS antichrist
you made yourself my kryptonite
If I would like some cola you'll be cola light
Your doing is not right
you're not even worth the fight
cause honey I want cola but you're cola light
Can you let go baby please stay away
everything that you said it you just fucked up my head
You made me crawl and bleed over something I dont need
SO GREETINGS antichrist
you made yourself my kryptonite
If I would like some cola you'll be cola light
Your doing is not right
you're not even worth the fight
cause honey I want cola but you're cola light